Baja California Sur Youth Orchestra.
The Youth and Children's Orchestra is a program of technical and financial cooperation to support the establishment of the Cultural Space whose objective is artistic training and values for children, adolescents and youth through musical education and orchestral practice.


Musical Education

Musical Education

Promote musical education, orchestral practice and cultural diversity among boys, girls and young people.

Change Agent

Change Agent

Strengthen the role of the young orchestra of B.C.S. as an agent of transformation and social inclusion.

B.C.S Conservatory

B.C.S. Conservatory

Create the conservatory of Baja California Sur, to attend to the musical education of children and young people.



Institutionally strengthen the B.C.S Youth Orchestra Program


To promote, support and contribute to the design and implementation of musical practice in childhood, adolescence and youth as an instrument of values formation and stimulation of musical education.


To be an instrument of coordination, cooperation and connectivity in the field of collective children’s and youth musical practice, creating the first conservatory in Baja California Sur.

The Young Orchestra of Baja California Sur (JOBCS) is a musical and social project promoted by the Civil Association, Baja Sur en Acción, which was born as a result of observing the need to promote the arts in our entity, although it is already known with music schools, these are not accessible to all children and young people. That is why, with the extensive artistic experience of teachers who have already collaborated with the community within this branch, and who have irreversibly redefined our vision of music and the effects it can produce not only on a personal level but on an entire community; We started this project to benefit all children and young people who wish to be part of it, either just to get to know music, out of curiosity or to professionalize themselves if they already have some musical experience. The main idea is that music is available to everyone.
We envision this project as a form of "artistic meditation", a concept that, in our opinion, defines with great precision the function that music has to act in the resolution of conflicts in adverse social contexts. We do not understand music as a tool, because the word "tool" inevitably leads us to the idea that music is instrumentalized to achieve a goal. In reality, music is a means by which that goal is reached and it becomes simply a consequence of the search for excellence art and the effects produced by art per se.
We believe in this project and in the benefits it will bring to our community and to the entire state of Baja California Sur. To share and spread our conviction, we will try to contextualize the project, specify its objective, talk about the didactic and academic methods and we will review the individual and community benefits of practicing and teaching music. We will also talk about the results that have already been verified on a social level so that all those who decide to support this initiative really know what its tangible fruit will be, a fruit that will go far beyond what anyone can imagine.

Our Teachers


Guillen Errando


Anabel Chávez


Roberto Campos


Victor Soto

Our Children